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  • Writer's pictureKaran Haridaass

Less Isn't More - Overcoming a Famine Mindset

So, I promised myself that I'd write a post about something that is close to my heart when I crossed #100 invoices in two years. The last invoice I sent was #253, so it's fair to say I've missed that deadline by some distance.

I know I'm incredibly lucky that I get to humble brag about it - freelance writing is not an easy rodeo, whether it's your first or the hundredth time on the bull. Well, almost like the real thing, I guess.

Ghosting clients, revision loops, and unpaid invoices are just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. And at the end of it, there's no recognition either. You are simply the guy who is in the background delivering content for marketing "wizards."

To be honest, writing is the least difficult part of freelance writing. And I'm pretty confident that most freelancers would agree with me on this.

Anyway, I digress. I wanted to write about something that I have struggled with since losing my job in 2020. In short, I wanted to talk about the famine vs. feat mindset.

I was one of those innumerable people who lost their livelihood in 2020 because of the pandemic. For someone who has been working for more than ten years, it was the first time I didn't have anything to do the next day. It was terrifying because I was just married and had zero ways to contribute. Nobody wants to be the supermarket trolley's squeaky wheel, especially at the start.

The resentment of losing my job at such a pivotal juncture for no fault of mine ended up with me being angry at the world. Every time I see someone doing well for themselves, I would think they "took what is mine" and end up hating them for it.

This is the famine mentality. And because of my situation, I was knee-deep in it.

Needless to say, anything I tried to get out of this rut failed. I've applied to hundreds of jobs, Upwork, Fiverr, and everything turned up nada.

At some point, I think I grew weary of all the hate building up within me. I remember telling my wife that I would start being constructive about my situation. The first thing I did the next day was this website.

I don't remember how long it took for my first iteration, but I felt my outlook changing to life while I was doing it. It was literally a life-changing experience for me after being wracked with self-doubt and insecurity for many months.

I'm the last person to subscribe to all this woo-woo mumbo-jumbo. Still, as soon as I added my website on LinkedIn, I had an opportunity within a few weeks. And this is one of my clients who I've been with till now. 🧿

Since then, I've been more encouraging to other people of my ilk. Not many people ask me for help, but I make time for them when they do. I take genuine pleasure in their success stories.

Does it help me get more money? Maybe not. Does it make me happy? Definitely.

So, is there a message within all this? Well, I'm not really sure. But I can confidently say that, unlike magnetism, positive vibes attract like vibes. You get what you put out into the world.

Even if I don't have business coming my way, I think, this time, I will remain positive about my situation.

I firmly believe that opportunities are abundant out in the world. You only need to keep your mind open to receive them!


There are many things I don't know, but something I can do 150% is getting percentages right! I can write a bit too. Get your branded long-form writer, write here!

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