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  • Writer's pictureKaran Haridaass

No More “I’ll do it tomorrow”- How to Beat Procrastination for Good

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

The Coronavirus outbreak has been the deadliest and most virulent pandemic in the last century. With the last two years having disappeared under lockdowns, masks, and work-from-home routines, the pandemic has affected us all.

The fact that the last couple of years have seen a drastic change in how people work is probably the understatement of the century. While we seemingly thrive in our professional-top and PJ-bottom Zoom meetings, there's something that has been secretly brewing in our psyches. And we don't take notice of this until it's too late.

I’m talking about procrastination and how the current working from home environment is a lot more conducive to its growth in professionals all over the world.

Procrastination And Working From Home

Putting away things for tomorrow is probably one of the most damaging things you can do to yourself, personally and professionally. It starts small, almost unnoticeably, through longer breaks and postponing tasks, till you're missing entire days at work. And one of the biggest problems with the work-from-home environment that many of us deal with is that it encourages procrastination.

This happens because of a few reasons.

Reason #1

Since we live and work from the same place, the boundaries begin to blur, resulting in a loss of focus and motivation. It either feels like we're always working or permanently at home - mixed signals. We really don't know what to do and end up just not doing anything.

Reason #2

You need interaction. Humans are wired to connect. It has helped us through millions of years, and working from home effectively cuts all meaningful workplace interactions. It's just you and an uncompromising computer screen through most of the day.

Reason #3

A million things can break your focus, especially at home. Your phone, TV, blender, or neighbors create an environment where it is impossible for you to be productive in.

Now that we have an idea of what could be causing procrastination, how do we get this monkey off our back?

Getting Rid Of Procrastination

Several people underestimate how much damage procrastination can cause in their lives. If you don't address it quickly, you could lose that promotion. Or maybe that job position you wanted. Or that holiday your spouse was looking forward to. It can manifest in a number of ways, all of them negative.

So let's look at a few ways you can beat procrastination and get the best out of yourself.

Separate Your Work From Life

This is probably the most important thing you need to do first. Ensure that you have a home office space. It doesn't have to be big, just a desk or a corner of a room would do. It's a great idea to have a plant or something personal on your work desk. Get chargers for your devices, so you don't use the excuse to veer away from work.

Goals And Priorities

Setting daily goals and prioritizing your work helps keep your eye on the ball. You can use apps or write down an old-school checklist in a notebook. Pen or pencil on paper can feel therapeutic, a needed break from a keyboard.

Don't Compare

Like Mark Twain said, albeit a bit dramatically, "Comparison is the death of joy." It is important to understand everyone is on their road to success. Some get there sooner, some later. Keep your head down, and trust in the process.

Take A Breather

Avoiding procrastination is not about chaining yourself to your desk and throwing away the key. You need regular breaks to keep you on top of things. Make sure you set adequate intervals between periods of work for better productivity. Also, if you're sitting at your desk, moving around a bit after every hour can keep you healthier.

Turn Off Your Socials

Social media is perhaps one of the most distracting things you have to contend with while working. It's a lot like eating empty calories and has little positive impact on your life. Turning off your social notifications when you're sitting down to work helps.

To Summarize

Procrastination is the most common reason people cannot fulfill their true potential. And most times, it's not even their fault. A good example is the WFH situation we find ourselves in. It is a challenging period to push through for all of us. But just being mindful about a few things like avoiding distractions and working towards smaller, more specific goals can help you get rid of procrastination, for good!


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