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  • Writer's pictureKaran Haridaass

First Post!

I’ve always wanted my own website. Well, 13 years and 3 months to be precise. But I finally have it, and it feels great.

Like ducks and water, like mac and cheese, like John Malkovich and enunciation, I feel writing has enriched me, and me it. Tall claims aside, I’ve always wanted to be a writer. In fact, even before I knew that I wanted it.

I was an average student at school. And it was pretty much a massive cliché that I used to score well only at English. I remember my teacher telling me that I wouldn’t amount to much if all I could do well was write in English.

Fast-forward to today, and I’ve been able to prove her wrong… but not really. If I’d worked on my math or Science back then, I wouldn’t have to rearrange alphabets for a living. And especially now, because being a FREE-lancer is anything but.

To be honest though, I’d choose this over anything else. Well, maybe being a fighter pilot beats this, but then again I’m deathly scared of heights.

So all said, we’re all here because of the permutations of a massive universe.

And we might as well do what sparks joy in us.

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